
Friday, April 15, 2011

First Post

I've put off writing this First Post for a while. There's a lot riding on a blog's First Post. If you're here with me from the beginning, then the First Post is supposed to be so thrilling that you can't help but subscribe. If you find this blog years down the road and become a devoted follower, eventually you might decide that you have to start from the beginning, and see how it all began. (But maybe I'm the only one who does this.)

So the optimal First Post should be hopelessly exciting and witty, while giving some impression of what I'll be writing about.

This might explain why I've had this blogger name reserved since September, and I'm writing the First Post in April. Yup.

Well, I won't always be able to promise witty, but at least I can tell you what I'll probably write about. I like to cook, so you'll likely see some recipes. I work in a library and like to read (and judge) so you'll likely see some book reviews. (I read many, many genres, including kids lit.) I'm a bit of a frugalista, so you might learn some things that save you some money. I also like to splurge, especially on food and home stuff, so you might learn some things that might cost you money. I like cats...

Crap. Losing the male readership. Uh... I like to play games (board, video, rpg), so I might write about that. I like funny internet things; though I'm rarely the first to find them, I have a wide variety of sources, so I can usually assume that at least some of my friends haven't seen my new hilarious thing. And I'll write about many things that generally interest me that have nothing to do with decorating, shoes, or cupcakes. (Whew!)

Hm. Maybe it would be better to tell you what I won't write about. Politics. Sports. Fashion. Abstract Philosophical Concepts. Most of the time, anyway.

So there you go - perhaps not the most auspicious First Post, but a First Post nonetheless. If you like me, you'll probably like my blog. If you don't like me...haters. Sheesh.

Love, Katie


  1. I like it! I also like that I get special sneak previews of your future posts since you talk about them to me. :) I feel like one of those media critics who gets to go to early screenings of movies.

    So, I know what's coming, folks, and it's good.

  2. And no, Bill, I am NOT just saying that to score brownie points with the wife. You'll see what I mean!

  3. Awesome post, awesome blog title! You are witty, poignant, and hilarious.

    Now that that's said, AAAAAAHHHHH!!!! YOU HAVE BEEN BLOGGING FOR SIX DAYS AND DIDN'T TELL ME?!!!! This is unacceptable. This is bff treason!!!

    Okay, maybe more like bff trespassing, but still. Or maybe like bff walking on the grass when the sign says "Keep off the grass."
