
Monday, January 28, 2013

Unseasonably Warm

We have bizarro weather today - 65 degrees and cloudy, at the end of January. I think my subconscious is confused. It knows what to do with a gorgeous day in the middle of winter, when it is warm and sunny and feels like spring, because we have those occasionally. Those days make you drop everything and rejoice in the glorious gift of warmth and sunshine in the middle of the winter wasteland. You go to the park, you have spontaneous parties, you barbecue. 

But today is warm but gloomy. The windows are open and the fresh air smells like spring, but the landscape still looks like something out of an Edgar Allen Poe story. So many levels of dissonance just freaks me out, I guess. So I have a bizarro mood to match the weather.

Manifestations of said mood:

1. I'm writing a blog post. 
2. When I did laundry, I folded the shirts in a different way. (We housewives have to live dangerously.)
3. I had half a can of smoked oysters on crackers for lunch. And actually enjoyed them. (I haven't eaten oysters since high school. Also, the cats went totally nuts over the smell.)

I keep oscillating between fervent but conflicting desires.

Do I have some kind of grand adventure or outing, or do I stay at home and do the laundry and enjoy the peace?

Do I make dinner or bake cookies? And if I bake cookies, who will eat them?

Do I invite everyone I know over for cookie-eating, or do I just want one grown-up to keep me company (forget the cookies), because a crowd might be just too much stimulation. Or would it? And even if I do try to secure either of these options, will I actually be able to? Will failure to secure company just make me feel even more unsteady?

Do I put on makeup and go to the mall, or change back into my pajamas and lie on the floor as much as possible?*

I feel as if I should do something out of the ordinary, because the weather is doing so. But unseasonably warm days make me want to do different things than cloudy days, and they so very rarely coincide. 

Sounds like the baby has woken up, and the dryer has stopped, too. I guess if there are any adventures in store for me this afternoon, they will have to wait. :)



*Have you ever gotten much better service in a mall, especially in a makeup or beauty store, if you are wearing makeup? I think the Sephora ladies peg me when I walk in as a non-buyer and a free sample grubber, and intentionally ignore me. But if I'm going to a store that sells makeup and repeatedly asks you if you'd like to try a product, isn't it BETTER if I'm not wearing any to start?


  1. I told my office when I came in today that I thought the weather was drunk today. I stand by this assertion.

  2. It's only 52 here, but it is like you describe. I adore weather like this. It makes me feel like an adventure is about to happen.

  3. Hey, I need to practice bake cookies for Cookie Day if you are feeling for some adventurous cookie sampling...

  4. It's snowing in Philly. Our weather is sober. Very, very sober.
