
Monday, February 25, 2013

New Resolution - Morning Dance Party

I've decided to start a new tradition - after breakfast has a little time to settle, Gus and I dance to a song. We dance hard until I collapse on the floor exhausted and laughing. I've tried this once and can say that it's a good tradition. We even opened the windows so all our neighbors can see me prancing about like an idiot. :)

I thought, "Surely someone has done some kind of Song-A-Day playlist that I could just tune into everyday," but in my 1.3 minutes of googling, I couldn't find one. If you know of a good one, let me know, but until then, I thought I'd provide one for all of you, courtesy of my "Happy Peppy People" Pandora station.

Come on, dance! You'll feel so good afterward! Surely you have three minutes!


  1. I don't think I should do any dancing just now, but I've bookmarked this for later.

  2. I've been dancing around to this one a lot lately!
