
Friday, July 15, 2011

Hazardous materials

I really love Burt's Bees Herbal Deodorant, an alcohol-based spray with sage and citrus. But the last time I bought a bottle, it smelled quite nasty - not really what you want in a deodorant. I wrote Burt's Bees (ah, the wonders of the internet) and they offered to send me a free bottle. It arrived in an...unusual fashion.

I was in the kitchen when I saw someone on my front stoop. I went to the door and it was the mail carrier, large postal bin in hand.

"Uh, hi, ma'am. I know this is kind of strange..."


"Well...the post office thought there might be a hazardous material in this package addressed to you." I looked inside - it was from Burt's Bees.

"Well, I'm expecting it - I know what it is."

"Ok...well, you can have it. I'm just not allowed to touch it."

"So you can deliver a potentially hazardous material, as long as you don't have to touch it?"

He laughed. "Apparently - I've never done this before."

"So what do I need to do?"

"Well - just reach in the bin here and remove it."

The bin was open at the top, but the opening was crisscrossed with plastic tape - presumably to keep the package from accidentally falling out. So after struggling for a few minutes, I yanked the package out of the bin. The postman looked relieved.

"Uh, ok, well I guess that's it. Thanks a lot." I don't think a mail carrier has ever thanked me for picking up my mail!

In other news, kitten!

If you're not one of the 1.9 million people who have already viewed this you have. Thanks, Renee!

It's a good thing I didn't order green apples by mail. Then the postman would have been terrified!




  1. Oh, the Post Office. Does anything they do make sense?

    Oh, kittens. Does anything they do make sense?

    I tried that Burt's Bees deodorant at your recommendation. It does work great! But it does have a weird smell when you first spray it... like burning sage. Fortunately, after being applied, it did not smell like that, or I would have had problems.

  2. I think the sage oil they use can go rancid - so it depends on how fresh the bottle is.

  3. This is hilarious!!! I'm so glad you shared this story - it makes me want to mail myself something that might be hazardous so that I can have such an interactive mail-receiving experience!!!

  4. Strange mail experience, and hilarious cat experience! Man, what fantastic music. I wish the mail man had had that music as you reached into the bin!
